New Beginnings Start with Clearing The Old
So many people, myself included, are so excited to say goodbye to 2020. We would all love the energy to clear, the sky to part, and the world to become safe and well again – but that isn’t reality. One can not get hit by a truck and get up and walk the next day. It is going to take patience to have this new beginning unfold and we can’t expect things to change overnight. We must first get our equilibrium back by staying as centered in ourselves as we can. There is nothing wrong with wanting things to feel better but that has to be an “inside job.” Preparing for the next phase in our lives will take a few steps. We want to make sure that we are as clear as we can be mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
At the beginning of each year I recommend reviewing the previous year to find out what worked.
Where were the wins?
Where were you the happiest?
What were the blessings?
It is so important to review all of these things and lay out a foundation of truth for yourself for the coming year and beyond. I know there were bad things that happened in 2020 but we really must dig deep and locate the blessings. Write them down in a journal to keep reminding yourself.
I also ask myself what I would like to cleanse mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually? I believe activities like watching crime shows, too much news, and mindless social media scrolling are activities we could all use a break from right now. Cut down even 20% on your viewing time and you will feel better each day.
Another part of my annual ritual is “sober January,” meaning no alcohol or sugar for the whole month, along with a short food cleanse. This combination feels good and helps to restart my body for the New Year (the first couple of days are hard, but after that I feel so amazing.)
Next, it’s important to clear your clutter, both inside and out. Clutter is a reflection of your life, showing you where your energy is stuck and it is vital to move that energy to create a higher vibrational life path.
A friend of mine, Peggy Fitzsimmons, just published a book called “Release: Create a Clutter Free and Soul Driven Life” – it is the top of my recomend list right now!
Release: Create a Clutter Free and Soul Driven Life
There is a lot of old energy in your paperwork, closets and drawers and it can take its toll (just ask Peggy!) I completely understand this task can seem daunting but, for me, once I realized the point is to move and clear my energy and not just my things, it became much easier.
Emotional cleansing is another beast for sure! We all carry around so much emotional baggage from our past and releasing it is a freedom that’s hard to describe until you do it. Part of it is to let go of toxic people and if you didn’t realize that this past year, you need to wake up! Life is so short and having people in it who are not good for us is no longer permissible. Again, we are cleansing and healing things so we can create this new year and life with more joy and abundance in all areas.
We can’t create the lives we want unless we deal with what is in front of us and what we are carrying with us.
Use this winter to have patience and to allow the energy of this new age to unfold at a realistic pace. Manifest the next 3 to 5 years instead of just looking at 2021.
Release the things burdening you and search for support in the areas you wish to heal like anger, addiction and trauma. We are not meant to go this life alone, everyone needs support.
Finally be more open than ever to creating a life and a world in which you are happy to live.
Happy New Year – Happy Age of Aquarius – Happy Manifestations