I’m Andrea Quinn: Business Coach, Life Coach, Speaker, International Best Selling Author and Empowerment Specialist.
I coach and teach Empowerment tools that provide a clear and defined plan, a blueprint that has helped many women and men achieve their goals and dreams. I believe your power, truth and unique gifts are already within YOU and by accessing them you are EMPOWERED to create the life you’ve always wanted.
Find out more about my coaching, join a group, watch my videos, read my book and begin NOW the transformative journey into living your best life.
The Quinn Essentials Women’s Empowerment Workshop
Andrea Quinn facilitates some of the most powerful and intelligent groups for women.
Next LIVE Weekend Workshop
October 18th & 19th – Beverly Hills
November 8th & 9th – New York City
more information and registration.
The greatest gift in life - for yourself and for the world at large - is to become the person you dreamed of being when you were a child. Andrea has given me this gift.
- Katharine M., award winning Actress/Filmmaker
The first time I exhaled in her room my life was different. I am enjoying success my way.
- Grace W., jewelry designer
Living an authentic life was only something I thought other people did – I am empowered by MY truth every day – thank you Quinn!
- Steve E., Chief Tech Officer entertainment industry
If you want to play it safe and not leave your comfort zone, don't go to Andrea. If you want to change your life, she's your gal. Andrea's perspective is priceless and her tools are invaluable.
- Rene A., Actor/Filmmaker
In a matter of two years Andrea Quinn guided me from struggling artist, without a clear vocation or direction into success beyond anything I could imagine. I found my true calling, signed with the biggest agency in the country and sat in a theater watching a film I had made. It was nothing short of a miracle. Andrea is truly gifted. She never stops exceeding expectations.
- Rita M., Writer/Director/Creative
Andrea is someone who can quickly see through my B.S. and compassionately guide me to a more empowering way of living.
- Scott D., entrepreneur
Do not expect your life to stay the same after meeting Andrea Quinn. If you’ve been seeking change and answers to any of your life circumstances, there’s a reason you’re reading this quote. Call her now.
- Andrea M., Executive Senior VP Film Studio
Andrea has given my vision substance and has shown me how to go from an idea to a funded company.
- Krish S., CEO music industry
Working with Andrea is like having a best friend with super powers of insight and an emotional toolkit of best practices that are better than anything Q cooked up for 007. Instead of fighting to be perfect, or conform, she teaches you to access your unique talents and implement business skills that will help you enjoy what you do, and accomplish your goals with grace and ease.
- Devin A., independent producer
AQC clients work for some of the most powerful and progressive companies. Many of them are creatives, visionaries, influencers, and decision makers. Her presence has an impact on the way they elevate their lives and the brands they represent.